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Please be aware that the current version of the Final EIS that was referenced is a working draft. As part of the process for developing the Final EIS, CRC staff recently provided the current working draft of the document to the federal leads (Federal highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration) and partner agencies. We have asked each agency’s technical staff to review the draft Final EIS, similar to the process we have used in completing other technical analysis for the project. We are currently anticipating that the Final EIS will be completed and released for public review later this summer.

Some contents of the draft Final EIS are going to change over the next months as we respond to comments received and the final document is produced for publication.  Also, there are two more rounds of technical review that will occur, including a review with the regulatory agencies and other partner agencies such as the US Coast Guard and the National Park Service.  Some of the changes anticipated include:


·         An update of public involvement activities including a projection of known future meetings through the publication date in September.

·         Avoidance of the air space impact at Apple Tree Park

·         Treatment of 100% of runoff from all pollutant generating impervious surfaces. We previously expected to be able to treat about 96%.

·         The location of the multi-use path (MUP) will change to cross North Portland Harbor on the eastern most bridge, rather than on the local multimodal bridge to the island, which is on the far west side.

·         Some of the noise wall locations will change, based on updated calculations.

·         The Mill Plain Interchange has been very slightly changed from a single point urban interchange to a tight diamond with no impacts other than slightly improved traffic operations.

·         Mitigation measures for traffic impacts are still under discussion.



Please read this CRC information before downloading (download link below)


Download Draft CRC FEIS All 22 files in one zip file 197 meg




You can download individual chapters from the CRC


We have the complete report, from the CRC DVD, in four files containing dozens of CRC files:


All chapters (zip-231 meg)

Appendices (zip-77 meg)

Technical Reports (zip-593 meg)

Responses to Comments on CRC Draft EIS (zip-764 meg)


Copy & paste addresses for the above:



