Portland is a PR machine for light rail & streetcar
Here are Some Facts About Portland Oregon
“It must always be remembered how cost-effectiveness works in the public sector: the cost IS the benefit.” - author unknown
Cars Improve our Standard of Living
More Job Choices: Instead of choosing jobs along transit lines, one can choose from the whole area. More job choices usually means you can get a job that pays more.
More Shopping Choices: The ability to travel further allows a broader choices of where to shop and lets you choose lower cost stores, lowering your cost of living.
More Living Choices: The ability to travel further gives you a broader choices of where to live. This lets you choose a location that has better schools, lower housing costs or other better choices.
More Leisure Time Choices: Faster travel means you can travel further to that great restaurant.
More Convenient: Your car is usually just a few feet from your front door, so you don’t have to walk ¼ mile to the transit stop.
Less exposure to crime: You can choose your traveling companions - no drug dealers, no crazy people and no criminals.
Enabling the civil rights and women’s liberation movements
Making outdoor sports and numerous other recreational and social opportunities available to the average person;
Providing rapid access to fire and other emergency services and swift escape from natural disasters.
“In many parts of Minnesota, the path out of poverty is best traveled by car.” http://www.startribune.com/on-wheels-from-welfare-to-self-sufficiency/296275261/
“Yet to qualify for assistance, many families may be forced to give up the most effective tool they have in the fight against poverty and unemployment: their car.” http://articles.latimes.com/2008/jun/19/opinion/oe-obrien19
“Research has shown that a parent with a car is more likely to be employed and to work more hours than a parent without a car. A reliable automobile can provide parents with access to a greater array of employment opportunities.” http://www.cbpp.org/archives/11-8-01wel.htm
“welfare reform legislation makes clients going to work the principal objective. To aid them in this endeavor, several states have begun programs that get cars to clients,...”
This has a list of programs getting cars to the needy to improve their getting work
There are a lot of programs around the country to help low income people get cars to get jobs or better jobs: “Chart of Car Ownership Programs to Serve Low-Income Earners”
Bribery |
Cheaper & Better Transit |
EuroTranistShareLoss |
Elderly Travel |
GM & The Streetcar |
Commute Time Chart |
Top 10 Bus |
Clackamas Public Safety |
transit_congestion |
McLoughlin Plan |
CRC_Planning |
Zoneing Increases Cost, Hurts Economy |
High Rise |